Making a Career Leap Might Just Save Us!

Life is not meant to stay on a continuum, just like nature everything evolves and takes on a new rebirth.

My career began as an Accountant, mind you not a passionate one at the age of 23 years old just graduating from college. I was thankful to secure a job with a growing company where I felt like part of a collaborative community building a vision in the telecom industry. It was the people I worked with and the social aspects of the job that kept me there for 7 years, as it certainly was not the dedication to the work I was undertaking.

While I had worked part-time through high school and college, I was just so proud to begin a career and earn a regular paycheck.  It was around the 5 to 6-year point that I knew that producing account reconciliations, journal entries, and variance analysis was not the profession I wanted to spend the rest of my career doing.  So, now what?

I made a declaration to my family and friends that I would embark on a job search as long as it took until I found the one that I enjoyed and had fun in.  My mom’s response was “why did we put you through college with a degree in Accounting then”?  I told her my happiness was far more important than sticking with a job just for the paycheck.

Plus, my mother had insisted that I complete a degree in business vs. psychology (the one I wanted to pursue) and my parents had paid for the majority of my college. I would abide her wish. However, I could not blame my mother any longer.  It was time to take responsibility for my well being.

Have you ever found yourself in a similar situation and then blamed others for your unhappiness? What is your resistance to pursuing a career that is aligned with your talents and desires?

Please stay tuned for next weeks blog on why some professionals stay in jobs they dread going to everyday. I’ll also share what steps I took next in my own journey.


“Don’t die with your music still inside you.”

Wayne Dyer