About Joline!

The last two decades have been in the talent management – people business.  I found tremendous fulfillment in helping candidates find job opportunities they enjoy, and in helping companies hire employees they value.  For years, I would arrive before 8 and stay well after 5 p.m. because I loved it.  That’s what led me to launch a few recruitment firms as an entrepreneur.  However, life is an evolution.  Now it’s time for a career change into a virtual recruiting role to help companies find top talent and to utilize my sleuth skills in new innovative ways and share the stories of those who have unleashed their joy.

After the thousands of interviews I’ve done over the years, it’s clear that each individual is quite unique from the other. I am fascinated to learn more about people and curious as to their stories.  Human nature intrigues me…and why I desired a degree in psychology instead of accounting.  Until this realization–in a round about way that’s what I had been focusing on for years as a recruiter.  Now, it’s time to explore deeper.

One of my friends and former colleagues introduced me to Rhonda Byrne’s movie, ‘the Secret” over ten years ago.  I was skeptical at first and decided to test this “law of attraction” theory.  Could life truly be this magical? The proof is in the pudding and I wanted evidence.  I was surprised by my findings-what we focus on does expand.  I look forward to sharing some of my findings here in my blogs and podcasts.

A new day has dawn. Let’s expand our joy together by creatively expressing our inner selves, helping one another, and taking the time to listen to our inner voice & heart’s tune.

What would YOU like to expand in your life?  What if your here by a divine design – not by accident! I hope to inspire you to step into your own shoes, and to own them.